Ticket Fixing FAQs

Everything you want to know about fixing a ticket in Missouri

Will my insurance go up because I got a ticket?

Short answer: Generally, YES; and by at least 10% for each traffic ticket!

Longer answer: If your ticket is a moving violation, for the next three years, your insurance will increase by at least 10%. If you get two tickets, then it will go up by at least 20%. If your ticket is DUI, Careless and Imprudent, or another serious driving violation, your insurance will go up substantially, maybe doubling! See examples at the end of the FAQs.

What is 'fixing' a ticket?

Short answer: 'Fixing' a ticket is the process in which a moving violation ticket gets reduced to a non-moving ticket through negotiation with the prosecuting attorney.

Longer answer: A moving violation typically will cause your insurance rates to go up; even if the rates do not go up immediately, the ticket will go on your driving record and could cause your insurance rates to increase later on. Fixing a speeding ticket keeps those tickets from affecting your insurance costs.

Do I have to get my ticket 'fixed'?

Short answer: No, but it is usually a good idea so that you don't have a moving violation on your driving record.

Longer answer: Most drivers will get a ticket 'fixed' because it is less expensive in the long-run by keeping your insurance rates lower. The more tickets you have the higher your insurance rates will be. Also, if you don't fix your tickets and then have a few fender-benders later, you're at risk of being unrenewed and other companies may not accept you because you are high risk.

What will the fine and court costs be?

Short Answer: We have no idea.

Long Answer: Each court is different in what they charge for court costs and fines. Many factors weigh into the prosecutor's decision on what the fine should be. The prosecutor will take into consideration your driving record, past offenses, type of offense charged, and how fast you were driving.

Can you give some examples of increased insurance costs because of traffic tickets?

Sure, but you will have to ask your insurance agent what the increase will actually be for you. It will depend on your insurance company, your gender, your age and your driving record.

  1. In 2021, a 22-year-old male driver with a clean driving record has a 2020 GMC Sierra Truck and pays insurance of $3,564 per year. Suppose he got one ticket; his insurance would increase by $356 to $712 per year. He would continue to pay the increased rate for at least three years, so the total cost of one ticket would be $1,068 to $2,136 over three years!
  2. Driver #2 is on her parents' insurance plan, costing them an additional $1,800 to $2,400 per year if the entire family has a good driving record. Suppose she got one ticket; their insurance would increase by $180 to $240 per year, so the total cost of one ticket would be $540 to $720 over three years.
  3. Driver #2 has two brothers who each already had 1 unfixed ticket each. As a family, they also had two minor accidents among their 6 cars. Mom decides to shop around because insurance is getting REALLY expensive and discovers that other companies won't take them because the risk is evaluated by the entire family, even though each individual average is not too bad. They are stuck with the policy they have.

Why not just pay the ticket fine and move on?

Paying the fine on the speeding ticket or other moving violation ticket means you have plead guilty to the moving violation which will result in “points” being on your record, the ticket will be listed on your driving record, and having it on your record will typically cause your insurance rates to increase. A non-moving violation does not result in “points” being on your record, or the ticket being listed on your driving record, so you don't have to worry about expensive increases in insurance rates or losing your driver license.

What are points on my driver record?

Missouri has implemented a point system where your driver's license will be suspended or revoked if you accumulate too many points on your driving record. Points are given when you are found guilty of various driving offenses. For example, you can get 3 points for speeding. If you get 8 points within one year, the state will suspend your license.

Can you get multiple tickets?

Yes, it is not unusual to receive multiple tickets. While most individuals might only get one or two tickets, some individuals have received eight or more tickets in one traffic stop.

If you get more than one ticket, should you get all the tickets 'fixed'?

Yes, if you are going to get one fixed, you should get them all converted to non-moving violations. DIGAT Traffic Law's online process allows you to add related tickets to your case.

How much does it cost to get a ticket 'fixed'?

When you get a ticket and do not get it 'fixed', you have two costs: 1) The ticket fine and 2) Court costs.

When a ticket is 'fixed', you have three costs: 1). The amended fine (yes, they charge you more) 2) Revised court costs (yes, sometimes the court costs also go up) and 3) Attorney's fee (our fee). When a ticket gets 'fixed', the ticket fine amount will increase and you have the additional cost of the attorney. While we tell you our cost for a basic ticket, which is either $95 or $149, we unfortunately cannot tell you what the amended fine or court costs will be until after we have received a response from the prosecuting attorney and the courts.

Do I have to pay fines and court costs?

Yes, you must pay fines and court costs, regardless of whether you decide to have the ticket 'fixed' or not.

Do I have to have insurance and proof that I have the insurance?

Yes, if you don't carry insurance and have proof of insurance, you may be ticketed and you will get 4 points against your license for not having insurance. Without insurance, most tickets cannot be fixed.

How long does a traffic ticket stay on your record?

A minor traffic ticket violation will stay on your driving record for at least 3 years. How long the ticket stays on your record is not the same as how long the points remain on your record. Points drop off your record at a rate of 1/3 of your total points per year, assuming you have no further violations.

Do I need to show up on my court date to have my ticket fixed?

Not usually! If you have hired DIGAT Traffic Law, you typically do not have to appear in court. If you do need to appear, we will let you know.

What's the difference between a ticket that is a moving violation and one that is a non-moving violation?

Short answer: An example of a moving violation is speeding; an example of a non-moving violation is a noisy muffler.

Long answer: If a ticket is issued to you because of how you operated a moving vehicle, that is a moving violation. Example of moving violations are speeding, DUI, failure to yield, failure to stop, failure to signal, failure to dim lights, etc. There are over 151 moving violations that a police officer can write a ticket for, not just speeding tickets! On the other hand, if you are not directly responsible for or in control of a moving vehicle, that is a non-moving violation. Examples are a noisy muffler, broken license plate lamp, burned out headlight, burned out turn signal, etc. Learn more on our page about moving and non-moving violations.

What kinds of moving violation tickets can be fixed?

DIGAT can fix almost all types of moving violations from Missouri. The most common types of tickets we fix are Speeding, Running Stop Sign, No Insurance, Disobey Traffic Control Device, Drive too fast for conditions, Drivers view obstructed, Excessive vehicle noise, Fail to yield right of way, Failure/Improper signal, Following too close, Improper Passing, Inattention/Negligent/Careless Driving, Operating MV w/o headlights, Texting while driving, Traffic turn/signal violation. We do NOT fix DUI tickets. If you are not sure, please contact us.



What is a suspended imposition of sentence (SIS)?

SIS is an alternative to simply pleading guilty and paying the fine. Sometimes a prosecutor will not amend a traffic ticket violation, and a plea of SIS is all they are willing to offer. SIS is generally a better option than paying the fine as it will keep points off your driving record. SIS is a type of probation, usually for a year, which requires you to plead guilty to your traffic offense, but if you do not receive any further criminal violations for the probation period you will not receive a conviction on your driving record. Essentially, if you keep your nose clean, it is as if the violation never happened. A court appearance is normally required for an SIS recommendation.

My Missouri ticket says FCC, what is that?

FCC stands for Missouri's Fine Collection Center. The FCC is usually involved when you receive a ticket on a Missouri highway. If you pay the fine to the FCC, you have pled guilty. If you want to have your ticket 'fixed,' do NOT send your payment to the FCC; you need to have an attorney represent you. That is where we come in.

This is all giving me a headache, what should I do?

Submit your ticket online and let us fix it for you! Just answer a few simple questions to make sure your ticket qualifies for fixing, enter the ticket information, upload a picture of the ticket, upload your insurance and driver info, and pay the attorney fee. Then we'll contact the court and prosecuting attorney to request a modification of your citation. We'll let you know what the prosecuting attorney offers and then you can choose to pay the modified amount yourself, or send us the modified amount for us to send in for you, or just pay the original fine and take the consequences of not fixing it.

What does Digat Traffic Law's entire ticket fixing process look like?

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